Saturday, February 16, 2008


challanges like da rockt ship
explode ina zillion pieces
schoolteachr she atomizzzzzzed
so wats learnin?
fix da tiles in outrspaced?
oar maybe baby
we need dif locomotion lotion
not so oily, waterbased
like love
no more fighin shadows in darknss
why wee here anyway
how much air u got left
dude sez, problemz only words
attitude adjustmnt requird
wats yr achievin
n for whos?
who said its yr job
take a vacatin
do sum summer readin
dat fight
dat challenger badboy
he nobody but u

end the mind to begin with

wats so ez bout yr head iz da way its not always connected to u
fr instz, y b upset if u cant do it?
watevr, da dude sez
check out dat tall 1, n da 1 after dat, always another, brudda
hang it all
shes jus an idea in yr deadhead, u know
past goin past
serial filler
lots raisins in da box
mind yr manners, conners
wats in cum out, den luk out, big waves
dude know da ez jose way
jus let it flow
what hrd iz stoppin
forvevr wont
yeah kahuna mana
1 thing after da nex
changin positions
heads r tails
commotion n motion
try to dam river
forget it
shes cummin thru
to whoevr b
da bigest bliss baby
wideload toad